
Princess Wedding Cleaning

The princess is preparing for her wedding with the prince. Prior to the royal ceremony, we seek everyone's assistance in ensuring that the princess's castle is immaculate and gleaming. Take a look at the dressing room, wedding hall, and banquet hall – they are all in disarray! This must be rectified before the princess can proceed with her nuptials. Can you assist in tidying up these three rooms? It is imperative that everything runs smoothly for our princess's special day. The state of our princess's royal mansion is currently deplorable! Therefore, come and aid in cleaning the entire castle before her Prince Charming arrives! There are numerous housekeeping tasks to complete: removing garbage and cobwebs, returning every object to its rightful place, and mopping the floors. Additionally, stains on walls and windows need to be eradicated! Each room within this dollhouse must exude perfection fit for a magical princess!
